Home SoziologieMaking use of an MLM academy as a Marketing Instrument
Making use of an MLM academy as a Marketing Instrument

Making use of an MLM academy as a Marketing Instrument

Establishing your own MLM academy is a courageous undertaking that requires grit and determination. One might consider it a challenge. Yet not for the market or competitors, but a challenge for the education system, for the conservative attitudes that have plagued Europe against a backdrop of dynamically changing backgrounds and innovations. Indeed, this long-term deficit is a strategic concept that deserves special attention and analysis.

Research Report (DSA), the benchmarking analysis indicates that in 2020 there is a significant increase in the percentage of people (92%) who point to a favorable perception of MLM education compared to 2018 (66%) among people with a college degree or non-college background. Yet this challenge borders on the arrogant, for it is so simple, yet so complex. It seems that once the idea of an MLM academy first surfaced, the company that plans to implement this was violating some unscripted rules of the marketplace. However, there are no rules, and like there is a training element in the MLM structure, this idea is not entirely new. For example, if I run a company, I have to conduct training for my employees, and I already appreciate this concept. Imagine you have an MLM academy like Coral business academy. It is available not only for company employees but also for people outside of it who are not involved in MLM but are interested in sales. Now that’s out of bounds.

Let me explain the difference. In a typical MLM structure, this is simply a systematic work of advanced training, supposing for 100 employees within the company; in the case of the Coral business academy it is 1000 people who are far from all will do MLM, but in CBA, they receive what they lack in everyday routine after multiple job shifts. After a few higher education degrees. After a series of courses or MBA specials. People who paid for such studies and got classical education, appending them to their resumes, sincerely confuse having certificates with having professional skills accumulated through years of practice. In Coral Club there represent 87% of such people have more than one university degree. And let’s consider the students of the Coral business academy who succeeded (65%) not only in MLM and compare them with successful people having classical education (10%). The difference is very noticeable. 

Simon Sinek also argues extensively about this, stressing that course certificates are useless – one requires full-time practice. Moreover, many experts and scholars also raised the question of the significance of professional education, the value of colleges, and the mismatch between educational programs and employment opportunities. For instance, Professor of Economics Brian Douglas Kaplan says, „The modern education system is nothing but a waste of time and money. His book, „The Case Against Education,“ was published in 2018 by Princeton University Press. He relies on the economic concept of the workforce and research in the psychological science of education. The Professor also argues that a large part of a college education is ineffective and grants students nothing more than status. The problem with such kind of education, experts say, is that it does not match theory with practice. Whereas the uniqueness of the MLM academy is that everything is experienced in a demonstration. 

On the annual Berlin forum, Leonid Lapp discussed the idea of the Coral business academy. Leonid Lapp, the President of the company, focused on MLM education, which I cannot reproduce verbatim, but I will give you its gist. In this industry, if I teach you something today, tomorrow I may give you three clients to try to close deals with them. And not just to make money for the MLM company, but to make sure you see how it works in the real market and sales sector. Joan Corbella argued that these academies are highly relevant on the same forum since classical education has discredited it by over-theorizing. One needs skills to make money. It is the skills that are emphasized in training. And then one starts realizing that what they tell at MLM academy works. And then you come to think about what you’ve been doing all these years.

Why is it so? Because you went there because you weren’t good at it, and here you start getting good at it. And you try to figure out: where and who screwed you over? That’s why MLM academies are not just promising; they are super promising. Millions of people were misled when invited to universities and vowed to get a specific theoretical basis for practical adult life. After graduation, it became clear there was no practical implementation. You know, when you took courses that got you pumped up, but you go back to your business, and nothing seems to work out for you. Once you’ve bought whole libraries of books, read them all. And you ended up with something that you’re brilliant but very poor.

This is probably even more than action bias-it’s what psychologists call social desirability bias: doing what seems good, despite whether it works, and not asking the tough questions of determining what’s considered right will be effective in practice.“ – Mayumi Moriyama.

Now, essentially the lack of that practical implementation element is what caused the terrifying demand for these kinds of structures in the form of an MLM academy, in which they teach theories in the morning and practice in the evening. So this is a configuration: theory in the morning and training in the evening- an approach providing invulnerability on the market. Once one has learned how to deal with clients originally from his region or country (thanks to the fact MLM is a network system), one is assigned to a neighboring country. So one starts learning how to close deals whenever necessary with the neighboring country or a country that one needs for one’s future profession of choice that one has invented for oneself. So there’s unlimited potential for that. And so, people in the MLM academy get rid of any lack of knowledge or skills. 

The deception industry forced people to seek alternatives for themselves. So when they encounter results in the MLM academy, most stay in the MLM structure afterward. Those people have not come to sell a company’s products or services. They have come to learn how to sell. To learn sales techniques, methods to sell anything. And when they are successful here, they think: why should I look for anything? If I can be more successful here, why should I look for something? They armed me here. I have been equipped here with something that empowers me to earn my bread. So now I’ll reach my bread and butter and caviar and champagne and whatever else I feel like. At this point, the MLM academy essentially turns into a crazy marketing tool allowing me to get information from the marketplace from people who are not loyal even to me. That is because any research within MLM structures, among clients and employees, is biased and partial. However, once we are involved with our own MLM structure and with MLM academy, people come not only to work for the company but also to sell nutritional supplements or anything else. They are looking to learn how to sell, so we are getting a serious marketing tool, a research tool. 

I get information from the marketplace. I get information from the families of these people. I feel I can test any product thanks to the fact that I have this asset. 

In short, this MLM academy is evolving into a human resource pool for the MLM empire. Gordon Hester, who helps direct selling companies to be relevant and leaders in the global marketplace, once said: „Either striving for relevance and market leadership will determine the future of direct sales, or inaction creates limitations – one should not focus all energy on struggling with the old, but rather on breaking the new.“

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